Saving the DWG/DXF Export Setup Settings to a text file is no longer an option in Revit, the settings are retained/saved in the Revit project file.

If you need to copy these settings between projects, you can use “Transfer Project Standards”

You need to have both the Source (with the export settings defined) and Target (where you want to copy the settings to) projects open in Revit…

In the Target project, select “Transfer Project Standards” from the Ribbon...

Project Basejump for AutoCAD® Map 3D® 2013 and AutoCAD® Civil 3D® 2013 software is a free* technology preview that provides functionality that enables users to access Microsoft® Bing® web mapping services (WMS) maps within AutoCAD Map 3D and AutoCAD Civil 3D.

Autodesk Exchange Apps officially launched – March 27, 2012

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